Helloo !!

I´m from now on write everything in my blog on English. I´ll do that because it´s a good training for me and i´ve heard that it´s people who read my blog and they don´t understand swedish so haha

Yeah so yesterday i feeld so bad for many things. Mostly for the contest but i´m laggning behind in school and are under so mutch stress so i went to Josefines place and we just lay in the sun and talked. She is my girl. I love her. I´m always happy when i leave from her.

Today i where in school with Josefin and later on i´ve been skating with Joe and my love Zebastian. It´s a fucking nice weather today ! Fucking sweet.

We´re going to get some food now then upload to the street contest tomorrow !

Have a good night folks.


Postat av: Jossan

Åhhh Love you to bebe!!!

2011-05-12 @ 19:18:50

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