Back to the reality !!

Good to be back to our ordinary days. Joe departed from Linköping 7 a clock this morning. He sad that he couldn´t wait to come back home and i understand him. 11 days in Sweden, but it has been 11 really good days. There is no place like home and that´s so true. Always when you have been away somewhere, it´s so fucking nice to come home and just do whatever. Sit naked in the couch for an example haha like i always do.

The weather sucks, it´s raining outside so we´ll just be home and get some study done today. I´ll have to be in school later, umusing to go out in this shit weather. I want some clips for my new edit so we´ll see if we maby get some skate done today aswell. It depends on the weather i think.  

Now it´s time for breakfast with my only love Zebastian. I love u so so much <3 And hopefully i´ve got a heart tattoed with a banderoll with his name in ,on my arm on tuesday !

Have a good day


Postat av: Zebastian

Du är så duktig min älskling ;) <3

2011-05-17 @ 14:10:21

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